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  • 2019 Commission Child Support Bill

2019 Commission Child Support Bill

  • 24 Jul 2019
  • 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM
  • Arapahoe County Justice Center, Division 14, Courthouse II, 7325 S. Potomac St., Centennial, CO


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2019 Commission Child Support Bill CLE
(Pending approval for 1 CLE credit)

Wednesday, July 24, 2019
12:15 - 1:15 p.m.
Arapahoe County Justice Center, Division 14, Courthouse II
7325 S. Potomac St., Centennial

Bring your own lunch!  (Arapahoe Café will be open!)

This one-hour session will review House Bill 19-1215, Child Support Commission Recommendations.  This child support bill passed the 2019 session and has several provisions that become effective July 1, 2019. Upcoming statutory changes will be discussed, including factors for imputation of income, incarcerated parents, the tender years doctrine, and VEJ notice.  In addition, changes to the minimum child support order and guideline schedule for low-income parents will be effective July 1, 2020, along with the inclusion of mandatory school fees on the guidelines. 

Tracy Rumans has been working in the child support services field since 2003.  She is currently practicing as IV-D attorney representing Arapahoe and Douglas counties.  Prior to her current position, she was the Policy and Performance Supervisor for the State of Colorado Division of Child Support Services.  Tracy practiced as a IV-D attorney representing the El Paso and Teller County delegate child support enforcement units with the firm of Belveal & Eigel, LLC (later Belveal Eigel & Rumans, LLC), contracting with Policy Studies, Inc.  Tracy continued representing the child support unit with Young Williams Child Support Services, later becoming the Deputy Project Manager for El Paso and Teller County Child Support Services.  Tracy earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Kansas, and her law degree from the University of Colorado at Boulder. 

*If your schedule changes and you are no longer able to attend this CLE, please cancel by logging on to the ACBA website, find your registration and cancel by  5p.m. the day before the CLE. Contact the bar office if you need assistance. Thanks for your help! 


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