
Board of Directors


President: Mollie Hawes
President-Elect: Michael Mauro 
Treasurer: Emily Koekkoek 
Secretary: Hon. Danielle Touart 
Immediate Past President: Amanda Eno


Serving until June 2025

Hon. Benjamin Currier
Bette Heller
Michael Mantia 

Serving until June 2026

Cory Curtis
Dawn Gould
Jersey Green
Hon. Thomas Henderson
Hannah Huston
Anthony Zarsky
Joel Zink

2024-2025 Committees & Chairs

Access to Justice
18th Judicial District Access to Justice is dedicated to expanding access to and the quality of Colorado's justice system, including helping recruit volunteers for Lawyers at the Library. ~ Hon. Michael Roche & Hon. Thomas Henderson

Community Service
Coordinates the association’s involvement in community activities, organizes auction / fundraiser for the annual Holiday Party. ~ Emily Koekkoek & Alex White

Continuing Legal Education
Plans, organizes and conducts CLE programs for the ACBA member. ~Jersey Green

  • Business Law ~
  • Domestic Relations 
  • Estate Planning ~ Bette Heller
  • Immigration ~ Erin Williams
  • Other: any other legal, new attorney or practice related education areas

Courthouse Liaison
Communicates special courthouse information to the ACBA, including providing the Executive Director with Chief Judge Orders.  ~ 

Equity, Diveristy & Inclusivity (EDI)
Coordinates speakers and develops programing in the area of equity, diversity and inclusivity. 
~ Courtney McConomy & Hon. Echo Ryan

Events / Meetings
Works with the ACBA officers to plan and conduct the social events and business meetings, assist obtaining sponsors for events (includes Judges Dinner in January, Holiday Party, and Annual Meeting / Golf Tournament in June). 
Benjamin Currier, Joel Zinc & Michael Mantia 
~ Hon. David Stevens (Golf Tournament only)

Liaison between the ACBA and the Foundation. ~ Mike Miller, Foundation Chairman

Law Day
Organize speakers for presentations for area high school students. ~ Alisha Coombe & Danielle Touart

Law Student & New Lawyer Liaison
Working to connect the ACBA with law students from DU & CU and with new laywers.
~ Hannah Huston, Cory Curtis, Nathan McKibben & Karlie Ogden

Lawyer Wellbeing
Raises awareness of lawyer well-being issues by providing assistance to our community regarding available resources, and normalizing the essential conversations around issues such as substance abuse, mental illness, and end of practice issues facing members. ~ Dave Hersh, Karlie Ogden, & Tricia Shepard

Member Communications
Assists editing printed and electronic newsletters. ~ Susan Pray

Membership / Young Lawyers Section
Evaluates and proposes services that may be of interest to the membership. Develops ideas to increase membership.  Organizes and hosts membership socials, including Summer BBQ. 
~ Drew Fein, Kristine Hoben, Nathan McKibben, & Joel Zink

Works to foster mentoring within the ACBA and larger legal community. ~ Carolyn Wiley

Past Presidents
Past ACBA Presidents work on special projects and also addresses issues of mutual concern to the bench and bar.  Hosts annual Past Presidents Reception.  ~ Hon. Ben Leutwyler 

Pro Se Clinic
Organizes volunteer attorneys to staff weekly virtual and in person clinics at the Arapahoe County Justice Center as well as contact community members that have general questions regarding family law matters.  ~ Virginia Robbins

Coordinates speakers and plans the annual October Professional Ethics CLE and other related events. 
~ Hon. Echo Ryan, Hon. Elizabeth Weishaupl

Spring CLE
Assists plans spring out of state trip events and CLE speakers.~ Hon. David Stevens & Brian Matise

Assist providing content for website and technology education for members.  Manages social media platforms.
~ Drew Fein  

Youth Education (Mock Trials)
Assists with the Arapahoe County Regional High School Mock Trial Tournament held in February.
~ Mollie Hawes & Danielle Touart 

Board of Governors Representatives to the Colorado Bar Association

Amanda Eno
Mollie Hawes
Michael P. Miller
Michael Mauro
Hon. Elizabeth Weishaupl


The Arapahoe County Bar Association is a non-profit, organization for legal professionals that is dedicated to serving nearly 1,000 members in the Denver Metro area.

Contact Us

P.O. Box 2587
Centennial, CO  80161

Tel. 303 797 2227  

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